Message from our Sisterhood President
Come join the Sisterhood community and enjoy the comraderie of fellow temple members! Help make Temple Emet the vibrant and friendly community it is by helping with clothing and food donations to aid the needy, participating in our occasional lay-led services, engaging in our traditional Jewish holidays, and enjoying our annual free Sisterhood member luncheon. Don't delay; join now. Click on the link below to access the membership form.
We look forward to welcoming new members.
Join Sisterhood!!!
All women who are members of Temple Emet are welcome to join!
Fill out this form and mail it in, email it, or hand it in, the next time you're at services!
- Sisterhood Membership Form
- Sisterhood Members:
Left to Right: Sunny Moss, Saundra Reichard, Debra Goldberg, Kristl Holtz (Pres.), Fran Ravine, (not present in photo are Robin Brenner and Heather Sung)
Officers of the Sisterhood of Temple Emet
The following officers were elected by Sisterhood
2024-2025 (5784-5785)
President-Kristl Holtz
Vice President Membership - Debra Goldberg
Vice President Hospitality/Sisterhood Representative to Board - Heather Sung
Recording Secretary- Saundra Reichard
Corresponding Secretary-Robin Brenner
Treasurer - Sunny Moss
Parliamentarian - Fran Ravine
Sisterhood Luncheon November 2022
Photos from our Sisterhood Luncheon
Woman of Valor - Natalie Spencer
Rabbi Cantor Didi Thomas
Thu, March 13 2025
13 Adar 5785
Upcoming Events
Saturday ,
MarMarch 15 , 2025Second Saturday Service
Shabbat, Mar 15th 10:30a to 12:00p
Temple Emet's Second Saturday Service followed by lunch out. -
Friday ,
MarMarch 21 , 2025Third Friday Dinner and Service
Friday, Mar 21st 5:00p to 8:00p
Temple Emet's Third Friday Dinner and Service. Service at 5pm followed by dinner in the social hall at 6:30pm. -
Tuesday ,
MarMarch 25 , 2025Sisterhood Meeting
Tuesday, Mar 25th 5:00p to 6:00p
The Temple Emet Sisterhood will be having its next meeting on Tuesday, March 25th @ 5 pm at Temple Emet. -
Friday ,
AprApril 4 , 2025First Friday Shabbat Service
Friday, Apr 4th 5:00p to 7:00p
Temple Emet's First Friday Shabbat at 5pm at Temple Emet, followed by dinner out. -
Saturday ,
AprApril 12 , 20251st Night Kosher Seder
Shabbat, Apr 12th 5:00p to 9:00p
Join us for Temple Emet's 1st Night Kosher Seder! -
Friday ,
AprApril 18 , 2025Third Friday Dinner and Service
Friday, Apr 18th 5:00p to 8:00p
Temple Emet's Third Friday Dinner and Service. Dinner at 5:00 pm in our Social Hall, followed by Service at 6:30pm.
LiveStream Link
Now streaming live on our own Youtube Channel
Please subscribe to the channel to help Temple Emet by clicking the Subscribe button at the link above.
Torah Study Class
Temple Emet Torah Study Class meets Thursday evenings at 7pm on Zoom. Email Mark Tannin at for details!
Eastern Meditation Class
Roger Peterson has a zoom meditation class every Monday evening at 7 PM. If interested, please contact him at
Sponsor an Oneg or Flowers
We welcome sponsorship of and contributions toward Shabbat kiddush on Saturdays and Friday night oneg on Shabbat. Honor a person, remember a loved one, celebrate a simcha!
Contact Natalie for available dates
Support Temple Emet!
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Click HERE to purchase
a letter or a Tribe
Temple Emet Store
Purchase a Flashdrive
Purchase our Logo Flashdrive
for $18.00 and have your favorite sermon, service, photos
added at no extra cost.
for information
"Everything Emet Eats"
Cookbooks are here and available for purchase. Each book is $18.00
Call, text, or email
Make check payable to
Temple Emet Sisterhood.
Please send payments and all correspondence to
Temple Emet PO Box 1324 Torrance, CA 90505 2051 W. 236th Street, Torrance, CA 90501 310.316.3322Privacy Settings | Privacy Policy | Member Terms
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